Hittoad is a dynamic surfing experience with NO SURF RATIOS! Hittoad exclusively gives you cumulative bonuses as you surf, so you are always surfing for different rewards - credits, toadpoints, textlinks, and banner impressions. You are earning a variety of HUGE CUMULATIVE BONUSES every page you surf, so mundane Surf Ratios are totally yesterday's news. Say goodbye "old school" traffic exchanges, and HELLO to Hittoad!

But Wait! There's More!

Hittoad offers some unique features that cannot be found on other traffic exchanges. Hittoad is handcrafted from a webmaster that has nearly 10 years of traffic exchange ownership success.

Cumulative Bonus Feature
TTO (Two-Time Offers)
Optional Daily Reminder Emails with Bonuses
Advice Emails Feature
Redeem Cash Feature
Toadpoints System
Pragmatics25 Instant Join
Integrated Assign Credits Feature

AND...Here are some more goodies

Commissions for Everyone (Free at 5%, Pro up to 40%)
Basic Surfing Option (2:1 ratio)
Instant Surfing Link (No need to login to start surfing)
50 credits after you validate and surf 25 sites
Free members can promote up to 5 sites
30 credits for every validated referral
Earn credits just for showing your refer page on other traffic exchanges!

Free Referrals, Bonus Credits, Faster Surf Timer & Multiplied Cumulative Bonuses for Upgraded Members!

HitToad is definitely "Jumpin With Traffic"